What is Domestic Violence?

A pattern of behavior(s) used by one partner to maintain power and control over the other partner in an intimate relationship

Anyone can be a victim, domestic violence does not discriminate. Anyone of any race, sex, age, gender orientation, etc. can fall victim. It impacts those of different socioeconomic backgrounds and can happen to those who are married, living together, or are dating.

Domestic violence includes behaviors that physically harm or invoke fear. Threats of physical violence may happen. Continue reading to see what behaviors may occur. 

Power and Control Wheel

Does your partner use any of the tactics found within the wheel? The outside ring represent physical, visible violence. The inner ring represents subtle, continual behaviors. 

See below for different forms of abuse.

*Note: She/her is used in this example as well as a male perpetrator, however the victim/perpetrator can be of any gender, race, age, etc. 

Physical Abuse

You may be experiencing physical abuse if your partner uses any of the following tactics
Pulling your hair, slapping you, punching you, kicking you
Hurting you with weapons
Harming your children or pets
Forcing you to use drugs or alcohol
Abandoning you in unknown places
Preventing you from calling the police or seeking medical help

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Emotional Abuse

You may be experiencing emotional abuse if your partner uses any of the following tactics:
Calling you names, insulting you, or constantly criticizing you
Trying to isolate you from family or friends
Demanding to know where you are every minute
Blaming you for the abuse
Humiliating you in any way
Cheating on you 

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Sexual Abuse

You may be experiencing sexual abuse if your partner uses any of the following tactics:
Forcing or manipulating you into sexual acts
Ignoring your feelings regarding sex
Forcing you to watch pornography
Continuing to pressure you after you say 'no'
Reacting negatively after you say 'no'
Making you feel like you owe them sex

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Financial Abuse

You may be experiencing financial abuse if your partner uses any of the following tactics:
Denying you access to bank accounts
Forbidding you to work/ limiting how many hours you can work
Stealing money from you or those close to you
Living in your home but refusing to work
Maxing out credit cards in your name
Giving an allowance and closely watching how it's spent

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Digital Abuse 

You may be experiencing digital abuse if your partner uses any of the following tactics:
Uses any kind of technology to monitor you
Tells you who you can/can't follow on social media sites
Sends you negative, insulting, or threatening messages
Steals or insists of having your passwords
Frequently looks through your phone
Pressures you to send explicit videos or pictures

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